July 24, 2022

Empty houses and grand promises

Despite his many achievements, Bob Hawke never managed to live down his expansive promise made in the heat of the 1987 campaign, that “By 1990, no Australian child will be living in poverty.” Here in Noosa in 2022, there are


Noosa adds to “one million” empty properties

Noosa Council’s Draft Noosa Housing Strategy 2022 shows the council recognises the housing shortage is “having a significant social and economic impact on the community”. And it’s not just a housing shortage, or a local problem, with an ABC News


Empty houses and grand promises

Despite his many achievements, Bob Hawke never managed to live down his expansive promise made in the heat of the 1987 campaign, that “By 1990, no Australian child will be living in poverty.” Here in Noosa in 2022, there are


Noosa adds to “one million” empty properties

Noosa Council’s Draft Noosa Housing Strategy 2022 shows the council recognises the housing shortage is “having a significant social and economic impact on the community”. And it’s not just a housing shortage, or a local problem, with an ABC News