Take advantage of free buses when they’re available (Easter & Christmas) by walking from Cooran to Pomona one way and using the bus for the return trip. The trail is programmed to be upgraded and, in part, re-routed away from some roadside sections and diverted into bushland.

Starting in Cooran (a pretty hinterland town worth a visit) in a small park (off Prince Street), behind the well-maintained public conveniences, the trail marker at the top of a small rise guides you to a downhill section below Mount Cooran, with a bushy gully on one side and rural small holdings to your left. Birdsong is a bonus on this walk so the sounds of domestic animals quickly fade.
After passing a small bush- encircled pond then navigating a couple of sturdy gates and small gully crossings, a small shelter with picnic table provides a good rest stop overlooking a lily-filled lake, attracting butterflies aplenty. Linger here to quench your thirst before continuing the walk, initially uphill along an estate road to Coles Creek Road then on to Tuchekoi National Park. From here on is a mixture of undulations and straight stretches of single track. Be prepared to encounter bicycles, horses and friendly fellow walkers.

The section through Tuchekoi is particularly scenic, with occasional views across to Mt Cooroora to your right. This track takes you to a minor rural road (Ferguson Rd) then across a bridge over Jam Pot Creek before re-entering the bush to your left just before Ferguson Rd enters Jam Pot Road. Some interpretive signs give historical information, before crossing Jam Pot Rd, back into the bush on the lower slopes of Mt Cooroora. Once you reach the access track to a large header water tank, aim downhill across to Mt Cooroora carpark, close to the climb made famous by the “King of the Mountain” event. Shelter here, with water -on-tap, before the final stretch through to the township of Pomona.

A stroll through Stan Topper Park leads to the Rotunda beside the Reserve St. bus-stop. Wait for the #632 bus destined for Cooran. It arrives close to 1pm.
On the ride back you’ll be able to say, “Now I know what it’s like to walk between those two peaks”. Resolve to do it again, maybe in reverse.
Good boots are recommended. Hiking poles can be helpful for some sections. Enjoy your outing!
Shirley Harris, Noosa Parks Association walker.