Noosa Matters is a place for the community of Noosa to question and discuss where we are, where we want to go and how best to get there.
This is a community initiative run by volunteers and supported by not-for-profit community associations. It is a forum designed to help protect Noosa’s environment, lifestyle and sustainable economy in the decades ahead.
We will draw on the history, membership and activities of local community groups and residents to:
- provide online access to local history, activities and environmental information, with links to already available external information;
- provide information, analysis and opinion from independent resident contributors on a range of topical issues that may affect the future of Noosa;
- encourage community debate by Noosa residents on significant community issues to help shape decisions and future directions.
Analysis will seek to explain issues and inform readers, make suggestions, and hold local power to account, particularly when that power seeks to influence planning outcomes.
Noosa Matters is a place for local information and analysis that new residents and those interested in local politics may find useful, and for informed opinion and debate.
We acknowledge the community battles that have helped forge the environment and lifestyle that make Noosa so attractive as a place to live. More of these battles lie ahead as development and other pressures build.
We are unashamedly on the side of residents who live here and want to retain the balance of constrained, low-key development, strong environmental protections and sustainable economic development that benefits all of Noosa.
The Noosa area has been part of Kabi Kabi country for thousands of years. While we cannot undo the damage done to the traditional custodians and their land, we hope that the whole community accepts responsibility for protecting our environment into the future.
Our contributors express their constructive and honestly-held opinions on local matters, but if we become aware that factual errors are made, particularly when this may cause “serious harm”, we commit to correcting them as soon as possible.
Noosa Matters is a not-for-profit project.
Access will always be free, and never available to buy.
The views expressed by our contributors are not necessarily those of Noosa Matters or of the community groups that support this initiative.
Noosa Matters welcomes respectful, constructive, on-topic comments from local residents who share our interest in Noosa’s environment, lifestyle, planning and community well-being. We will moderate comments accordingly.
Project Manager – Noel Playford.
Editor – Ric Jay.
Supported by:
Peregian Beach Community Association
Cooroy Area Residents Association