Noel Playford

Noel Playford
Mayor of Noosa 1988-1997, and again from 2014-2016 when he led the re-established Noosa Council after heading the de-amalgamation campaign. Former President of the Local Government Association of Queensland. Awarded A.M. for services to Local Government. Manager of the Noosa Matters project.

Will anyone buy this Noosa budget?

Noosa Council has been out spruiking its 2022 budget like a newly-painted, second-hand car.  Can I suggest you kick the tyres and check under the bonnet before you buy this one? The Council’s Financial Sustainability Policy lists 10 objectives that

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Touri$m, weighing the cost and benefits?

We all know tourism is an important part of the Noosa economy, but when did the tail start wagging the dog?  Is this particular sectional interest group serving its own interests at the expense of the community? To try to

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Care to comment on an already cooked budget ?

If you’ve ever been asked what you would like for dinner just as it’s being served, you will understand why some locals are less than happy with the consultation surrounding this year’s Noosa Council budget. The Noosa community won’t have

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Our river suffers as the circus comes to town

The circus came to town last week with some comical performances in both the community and the council chambers. Few of us were entertained. Words like transparency and consultation were tossed around like popcorn, even as some of those using

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Will anyone buy this Noosa budget?

Noosa Council has been out spruiking its 2022 budget like a newly-painted, second-hand car.  Can I suggest you kick the tyres and check under the bonnet before you buy this one? The Council’s Financial Sustainability Policy lists 10 objectives that

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Touri$m, weighing the cost and benefits?

We all know tourism is an important part of the Noosa economy, but when did the tail start wagging the dog?  Is this particular sectional interest group serving its own interests at the expense of the community? To try to

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Care to comment on an already cooked budget ?

If you’ve ever been asked what you would like for dinner just as it’s being served, you will understand why some locals are less than happy with the consultation surrounding this year’s Noosa Council budget. The Noosa community won’t have

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Our river suffers as the circus comes to town

The circus came to town last week with some comical performances in both the community and the council chambers. Few of us were entertained. Words like transparency and consultation were tossed around like popcorn, even as some of those using

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