From minor to major for unregistered STA

A hinterland short-term accommodation (STA) provider – which has not yet even registered under Noosa Council’s new STA Local Law 10 – has applied for a “minor” change to increase the number of people it can accommodate. The business received


STA SATuration point. Where to from here?

WHILE most Noosa Council Ordinary Meetings (OM) are primarily rubber-stampings of decisions voted in the previous Monday’s General Committee (GC), there can at times be extended debate on seemingly unresolved issues. An item in the GC of January 20 concerned


From minor to major for unregistered STA

A hinterland short-term accommodation (STA) provider – which has not yet even registered under Noosa Council’s new STA Local Law 10 – has applied for a “minor” change to increase the number of people it can accommodate. The business received


STA SATuration point. Where to from here?

WHILE most Noosa Council Ordinary Meetings (OM) are primarily rubber-stampings of decisions voted in the previous Monday’s General Committee (GC), there can at times be extended debate on seemingly unresolved issues. An item in the GC of January 20 concerned