50c bus trips render Go Noosa gone

Noosa’s free holiday bus service is to be scrapped, while more money will be put into supporting “electric mobility”.

But the Go Noosa Loop service, which links park-and-ride locations with Hastings Street during the holidays, is to be retained as a free service, subject to agreement with state transport provider Translink.

The free holiday service, funded by ratepayers under Noosa Council’s Transport Levy, now costs somewhat more than the $900,000 the levy collects – the levy has not increased since its introduction in 2018 – and council would like to utilise that revenue on a broader range of services across the shire.

The proposal, discussed at council General Committee meeting on January 20, has been brought about by the new LNP state government’s decision to continue with the former ALP government’s decision to reduce the travel cost of most public transport services trips to a flat rate of 50 cents.

It is part of an interim report presented to council, and also includes recommendations to review the under-used Flexi-link subsidized taxi service between Boreen Point and Tewantin, as well as restoring some parking spaces, including for motorcycles, and relocating a loading zone on Noosa Drive.

Report author, Infrastructure Director Shaun Walsh, said the levy monies saved by the free bus service subsidy would be used in emerging new initiatives.

“One emerging area is electric mobility,” he said.

“E-bikes and e-scooters have the potential to … reduce congestion in Noosa and are supported by the Noosa Transport Strategy.

“At the moment resources are not available to advance response strategies around this emerging transport form.”

These would include designated lanes and parking areas, funding education and safety campaigns and partnering with the state to revive or expand rebates schemes.

Councillors unanimously endorsed the proposal, which was ratified at the Ordinary Meeting on January 23. 


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