Time for truth telling
I first learned of the concept of truth telling when Noosa film-maker Shaun Cairns and I spent a lot of time in Timor-Leste between 2017 and 2019, making a documentary called Generation 99. The film was produced to be shown
I first learned of the concept of truth telling when Noosa film-maker Shaun Cairns and I spent a lot of time in Timor-Leste between 2017 and 2019, making a documentary called Generation 99. The film was produced to be shown
When rain falls on the Cooloola Sand Mass, the blessed water freshens the foliage of the forest trees, their vines and their epiphytes, dripping through to the sandy floor or running down the bark of the tree trunks to penetrate
I first learned of the concept of truth telling when Noosa film-maker Shaun Cairns and I spent a lot of time in Timor-Leste between 2017 and 2019, making a documentary called Generation 99. The film was produced to be shown
When rain falls on the Cooloola Sand Mass, the blessed water freshens the foliage of the forest trees, their vines and their epiphytes, dripping through to the sandy floor or running down the bark of the tree trunks to penetrate