A development application lodged by two Noosa Council workers has been recommended for refusal by council planning staff – because it doesn’t meet Noosa Plan standards.
A draft application to build eight units across two empty lots in Tewantin’s Toolar St was initially put to council in a pre-lodgement meeting 11 months ago, where council planners advised the staff members on the amendments to their plan required to ensure its passing, however it did not include these amendments before being presented for consideration, last Monday’s council Planning and Environment subcommittee meeting was told.
The two staff members in question are not employed in the council’s planning department.
The application was presented as ‘gold standard’ based on a state government measure and advocated through Livable Housing Australia, but which has no impact on council planning and assessment, and “which champions for building design to respond to the changing needs and abilities of people over their lifetime”, the council report says.
The application “does not comply with site cover, plot ratio, setbacks and landscaping and results in a development, which is not consistent with the streetscape or the surrounding area”, the report continues.
Questions asked by councillors revealed that while the development offered some benefits towards those living with disabilities, it did not indicate what price the ‘liveable’ units would be sold for.
Councillors voted to refer the application to next Tuesday’s (April 19) General Committee for a full council hearing.

MEANWHILE, as the same meeting an application for one unit in an Edward St, Noosaville duplex for short-term accommodation has been recommended for refusal by planning staff
According to staff, the unit had already been subject to noise complaints from neighbours following previous short-term letting, mainly from the use of a pool on the property.
The application was referred to next Tuesday’s General Committee for full council consideration.